If being yourself means being a loser, then reading this blog will be a waste of time

January 2nd, 2007 → 5:23 pm @ // No Comments

I’m fully comfortable enough in my masculinity to admit that I’m a little bit in love with Michael Cera. (I swear to god, he’s not my cousin.) (You mean, you wouldn’t have a problem with that?)

Anyway, if there’re folks out there who know how cute a Mayonegg can be, this Michael Cera-starring parody (courtesy of Gawker, courtesy of DealBreaker) is super fantastic. It probably helps if you’re at least passingly familiar with Aleksey Vayner’s video CV (and if you’re not, it’s well worth your time — and there’s plenty of backstory here), but it works well as a stand-alone, too. Because as much as I love Tracy Jordan, I miss those Bluths.

Post Categories: Douchebags & George Michael. He's so hunky.

One Comment → “If being yourself means being a loser, then reading this blog will be a waste of time”

  1. deversm

    18 years ago

    Thank you for that. Quite wonderful. I’ve been looking forward to seeing his new show, The Good Life, on Innertube. I heard that Tony Hale was filming an episode with Mr. Cera (actor & professional athlete) for it. No word yet on if it involved scoring some pot.


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