Not a Manny culpa

August 1st, 2008 → 9:38 am @ // No Comments

Have you heard? Yeah – the Red Sox traded Manny. This may appear, at first blush, to be a near total refutation of my previous post, in which I accused Portfolio magazine of being full of crap for saying Manny wouldn’t be suiting up for the Crimson Hose next year.

In fact, it’s not…although I made the mistake of throwing in some opinions in a post that criticized another reporter as passing off an “experts” musings as if they were a reflection of what was going on inside the front office. (The difference here: I made the difference clear.) My beef, as I said, is that “neither I, nor Andrew Zimbalist [heretofore mentioned expert], nor Franz Lidz [author of said article], nor anyone else who isn’t actually in the room has any idea what’s actually going on in the Sox’s front office. To pretend any differently is, well, a load of crap.” It’s something we see again and again in sports reporting — one stray voice in the wilderness being quoted as if it represents a team’s view. We saw that being illustrated again and again (and again) over the last few days: just go back and look at how many reports cited a “senior level executive” or “a source close to the team” as saying a deal would not get done…or a deal with Florida was just awaiting Selig’s sign-off…or that the Sox would holding out for a package with a host of good young players.

Post Categories: Manny Ramirez & Sports Reporters & trade deadline

One Comment → “Not a Manny culpa”

  1. djarm18

    15 years ago

    the “informal poll” of veteran players as reported by Edes revealed Francona was at risk of “losing the clubhouse” if Manny’s antics were allowed to continue. What vet players do you think were polled? Tek, Wake, Ortiz, yes? Timlin? Beckett? Lowell?


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