To be fair, it would have taken all of thirty seconds to check this on Google.

June 24th, 2006 → 2:49 pm @ // No Comments

This is the kind of effort that puts Nora Krug to shame. In a generally positive 213-word write-up in this week’s Publishers Weekly (“Part Money Ball, part Ball Four. … The soap opera that is the Boston Red Sox is in full bloom in Mnookin’s tale…and like a true soap opera, this one is filled with heroes and villains. … There is enough inside stuff here to send the average Red Sox fan into baseball ecstasy”), the unbylined reviewer manages to make three mistakes, flubbing the title of Michael Lewis’s classic (it’s Moneyball), screwing up the title of my first book (it’s Hard News, not Hard Times), and turning Dan Shaughnessy into a leprechaun (O’Shaughnessy). (At that rate, I would have made 1,127 mistakes in my first book.) Remind me again why people don’t have faith in the media? (You need a PW subscription to view the review online.)

Post Categories: Ball Four & Dan Shaughnessy & Feeding the Monster reviews & Moneyball & Nora Krug & Publishers Weekly

One Comment → “To be fair, it would have taken all of thirty seconds to check this on Google.”

  1. Chuck Schilling

    18 years ago

    Well, at least the reviewer’s errors were mistakes.


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