Some real perspective

August 31st, 2006 → 12:13 am @ // No Comments

This story was posted online just after 11 pm Wednesday on the Herald‘s website: Jon Lester tested for cancer. (While the Red Sox don’t comment on non-performance related health issues, Curt Schilling is quoted in Tony Massarotti’s story as saying, “There are a lot of personal things going on here that weigh on us a lot more than the losses and wins.”)

There’s also some indication, according to the Globe, that David Ortiz’s irregular heartbeat is caused by atrial fibrillation, which is usually controllable and would likely not impede his playing career. (Jackie MacMullan has a piece in which she talks to Larry Bird, who also suffered from the disorder and is now on medication that controls it.)

Six in a row, 19 of 25, whatever: it’s only a game, folks.

Post Categories: David Ortiz & Jon Lester

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