Today’s game set for 1:05 pm; ML tryouts set for 4

September 2nd, 2006 → 8:27 am @ // No Comments

So what’s the latest? Ah, yes: Curt Schilling will miss his next start with a strained lat. Papelbon left the game with pain in his shoulder. And Papi won’t be coming back until next week at the earliest. Look at it this way: the Sox could field a pretty decent team with guys who are injured plus some AAA-scrubs. For those keeping score out home, the folks currently out of commission are:

Matt Clement
Jon Lester
Jonathan Papelbon
Curt Schilling
Tim Wakefield

Jason Varitek

Alex Gonzalez

Manny Ramirez
Trot Nixon
Wily Mo Pena

Designated hitter
David Ortiz

Check out tomorrow’s Times for the obligatory Murray Chass column about how those whiney Red Sox need to suck it up and start winning some ballgames.)

Post Categories: Injuries & Murray Chass

3 Comments → “Today’s game set for 1:05 pm; ML tryouts set for 4”

  1. mkp

    18 years ago

    While many of his columns are even less relevant than Chass’, Shaughnessy has a good one today.

    A poignant piece from Dan – thank you.


  2. mkp

    18 years ago

    It would be interesting to add up the win shares of a line-up featuring the above players and compare them to the current OTT roster of “physically able” players. I’m pretty sure you could add pretty much any able bodies to play 1B, 2B, and 3B for the former and be ahead.

  3. […] * The Yankees have been sucking. They also appear to have picked up the pesky black plague bug that infected the Sox last August. […]


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