All you’ll ever need to know about Murray Chass: he thinks Kevin Millar is a good first baseman*

November 17th, 2006 → 3:45 pm @ // No Comments

“There are other free-agent candidates for the job, including Shea Hillenbrand, Phil Nevin and Kevin Millar, who was instrumental in Boston’s success in 2004. None of the three is strictly a first baseman, but they all played the position well last season.

While Giambi made 7 errors in 477 chances for a .985 fielding percentage, Nevin made no errors in 303 chances (1.000), Hillenbrand 3 errors in 609 chances (.995) and Millar 4 errors in 830 chances (.995).”

Slashing Payroll May Be No Bargain
By Murray Chass
The New York Times
November 17, 2006

At this point, you need to at least entertain the notion that Chass is conducting some sort of grand, sadistic experiment in which he writes increasingly preposterous things in an effort to figure out when someone will finally be forced to make him stop.

* Alright, alright: the collective wisdom of the commenters has won out. No more on Murray.** Zoowah: I’m done. And PatsFanDK: No run ins; I’ve never even met the guy.

** But I reserve the right for very tempered comments if he writes something that really can’t be ignored.

Post Categories: Murray Chass & New York Times & Sports Reporters

2 Comments → “All you’ll ever need to know about Murray Chass: he thinks Kevin Millar is a good first baseman*”

  1. zoowah

    18 years ago

    Yar, Chass is a first class twit.

    But at some point you have to let it go Seth. Or he’ll become your Mangini.


  2. PatsFanDK

    18 years ago

    I agree this guy Chass is clueless. Here in RI, we have questionable writers (the Projo’s Jim Donaldson comes to mind, as he simply repeats popular opinion on a topic after it’s old news). However, your attacks of Chass seem rather personal. Did you have a run-in with him and feel the need to make “digs” at him whenever possible?

    Your blogs are a great read by the way…


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