My mind is so messed up, goin’ round and round

January 29th, 2007 → 11:08 am @ // No Comments

So yeah, apparently the Sox and the Rockies are discussing a trade that would bring Todd Helton to Boston. On the one hand, it’s hard to argue with adding a guy with these career numbers: .333 average, .430 OBP, .593 (!) slugging (good for fourth among active players…behind Pujols, Bonds, and Manny ), 286 HRs, 996 RBIs. And a 2-6 of J.D. Drew, Papi, Manny, Helton, and Youks is pretty damn intense. (I know, I know: the Jewish god of Denis Leary routines doesn’t belong in that rarified company, but his pitches-per-at bat would help tire some arms.) On the other hand, the average age of the 2-5 hitters would be over 32, and the Sox would owe those four players a total of 13 years…and the two best players (#24 and #34) going off the books first. Without debating the effect of Coors Field on Helton’s career numbers (and his road splits aren’t nearly as extreme as you’d suspect), he sure as shit ain’t a player on the upside of his career, and even if the Rockies eat about half of the $90 mil he’s owed over the next five years, that’s a lot of cash to be laying out.

What’s so confusing about this is a Helton acquisition would seem to be precisely what the Red Sox have tried so hard not to do: pay lots of money for past-their-prime superstars. That’s Yankee behavior. Meanwhile, the Yankees are trading guys like Sheffield — a formerly prototypical New York pick up that suddenly seems as if he’d fit in perfectly with the Sox mid-to-late 30’s contingent — in favor of prospects. What’s going on here? Is it opposite day (or off-season)? I hope not. I always thought that episode kind of sucked.

Post Categories: oblique references to hendrix songs & oblique references to seinfeld episodes & Red Sox front office & todd helton

9 Comments → “My mind is so messed up, goin’ round and round”

  1. Jack

    18 years ago

    Keep in mind that 3 of those “aging” players play the three easiest positions in Fenway (DH, 1B and LF). You can afford have aging superstars at those positions. So long as they are true superstars and Papi, Helton and Manny qualify. You need young ones up the middle (which we have) and a strong arm in right (which Drew apparently has).

    Honestly, my biggest breakdown fear is Tek. But I also know that having a veteran back there is important too.

    My question is: Who plays first in the World Series and in interleague play? That’s a problem I’d like to have!


  2. MarshallDog

    18 years ago

    Really? I like that episode a lot.

    “My name is George. I’m unemployed and I live with my parents.”

    As for Helton, I’m intrigued. It seems most people around here feel if Delcarman or Hansen is the only prospect to go in this deal, then it should be made right now. It’ll be interesting to see what they say if said pitcher starts tearing it up at Coors.

    I take that back. It won’t be interesting, because we’ve seen it happen before with every other trade that involves prospects. It’s always, “The Red Sox overvalue mediocre prospects,” but then someone like Cla Meredith has a great season and everyone shits their pants. I’m sure there’s a more eloquint way to put that.


  3. MarshallDog

    18 years ago

    Oh, I almost forgot… Bernie Lincicome of the Rocky Mountain News had an intriguing opinion of the whole Helton situation. I say intriguing, because if it weren’t for the title, I’d have no freakin’ clue what he’s trying to say. The man loves his commas.


  4. branatical

    18 years ago

    One intriguing aspect of this proposed trade is that Lowell becomes a free agent after this year. Who does that leave for first or third besides Youk? Not sure what next year’s corner IF free agent class looks like but acquiring Helton would potentially shore up the infield corners for the next few years.


  5. carnett

    18 years ago

    Granted Todd Helton is a very “sexy” name to throw around with trade talks, but I’m with Seth. We’re not the Yanks. It seems as if Dice-K has you guys worked up like your cousin’s name is Vinny! The money(even at 40mil)is to much. The players discussed actually thrive in Boston. The young guns will come around. Next year when Lowell leaves maybe an other non-free agent will opt out of their contract and get 14 mil a year from us!


  6. Nordberg

    18 years ago

    The best thing about this possible trade is that it has ended all of the what-if talk about the Patriots. We’re talking baseball again, which is the way it should be.
    Interesting on WEEI today; Ken Rosenthal from Fox Sports called the Helton-to-Sox trades a no-brainer, do it in a minute, and the Boston Herald’s Tony Massarotti said no way. Of course by the time Tony Maz was on, we all knew that the Rox wanted Lowell, Tavares, Hansen and Delcarmen.
    At this point, I’m inclinced to agree with Maz. I think it’s too risky.


  7. branatical

    18 years ago

    Helton talks dead
    From the AP:

    The Colorado Rockies say trade talks with the Red Sox about a deal that would have sent Todd Helton to Boston have
    ended. Rockies owner Charlie Monfort says there will be “no further discussions.”


  8. Nordberg

    18 years ago

    Thisis probably for the best. I’m not sure I like Montfort as a trading partner. He has unrealistic expectations and can’t keep his mouth shut.


  9. StuckAtTheCask

    18 years ago

    Meanwhile … Seth’s good buddy Murray Chass, Mr. Sensitivity when it comes to possible tampering in MLB, can’t quite bring himself to call ol’ Charlie Monfort out — despite the fact that the Rockies’ buffoon of an owner blatantly named names (Lowell, Tavarez) to the media while in the middle of sensitive trade discussions. Yeah, OK, Murray – you’re just out for the truth – no anti-Red Sox bias or anything.


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