Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner…

April 10th, 2007 → 10:27 pm @ // No Comments

Actually, we don’t. (Obviously, I’m not talking about today’s game. That was decided by the end of the first inning.) The interminable FTM 2007 pre-season contest, which already seems to have gone on forever, is threatening to intermin some more: after a three-way tie and a three-way goose egg, we now have a two-way tie, with sonomasox and maranara each pulling in 1 (one) point, out of a total of 15, with sonoma getting Coco’s three put-outs correct and maranara correctly tagging Beckett with a sole earned run. It’s time to put an end to the madness. You both get a book. I hope you’re happy — I’m paying for these things* (and the shipping costs) myself. So email me your real names, mailing addresses, and your inscription of choice and I’ll get these out in the mail already…

* They’re only $17.16 on Amazon. (Cheap!) Free bookplates still available. (Sorry. I couldn’t resist.)

Post Categories: 2007 Season & Contests

3 Comments → “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner…”

  1. deversm

    17 years ago

    I sure hope that today’s Beckett start is the template for the ’07 version. He pitched to contact early and then after he got ahead in the count he finished hitters. There was none of the nibbling around the plate that doomed so many of his ’06 starts. If he can duplicate this performance against the East he’s going to have a very successful year.


  2. sonomasox

    17 years ago

    Hey Seth – Sorry the contest has turned into such a roach…obviously your audience sucks in the prognostication category. But who really saw Beckett ringing up 8 w/ no walks?

    Speaking of…I did call the 7 innings by Beckett along w/ Coco’s 3 put outs. So that puts me in at a whopping TWO! points – but who’s counting.

    Thanks for the fun anyway despite your anguish…maybe you should have pulled a Chase and just picked a random winner from 60+ entries and claimed you had a MLB insider who told a friend who told you that said entry was victorious.

    You’re right! Serves me right. Maranara you’re lucky I screwed up…I’m a man of my word, so you’ll still get your book. And it was fun. Next time I’ll do a random drawing…



  3. maranara

    17 years ago

    thank you for such a great contest. (and i had 2 points too…i got lugo’s hits right…) i’ll email you with my info. THANKS


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