For once, good news from the NFL about player concussions

December 18th, 2010 → 11:46 am @

To say the NFL’s institutional response to the risks of repeated head trauma has been poor would be a vast understatement. It’s a subject I wrote about for The Boston Globe back in 2007. (The reporter who has been driving this coverage for years is The New York Times‘s Alan Schwarz. It’s not an exaggeration to say that his investigative work and relentless pursuit of this story has done as much or more to influence the national discourse on the subject as anything. For my money, Schwarz’s traumatic brain injury (TBI) reporting has made him one of the country’s best medical reporters. But I digress.)

One factor in football’s foot-dragging on this has been a shocking approach to the problem by the players union. (more…)

Post Categories: Alan Schwarz & NFL & traumatic brain injury