And don’t forget to tip your waitresses

September 1st, 2006 → 10:32 pm @ // No Comments

It’s reverse lock week: take one Kyle Snyder, mix with longtime nemesis Ted Lilly, subtract an injured Jonathan Papelbon, and what do you get? I’m surprised you even had to ask: a 2-1 Red Sox win. (I’ll hold off getting too worried about Papelbon until Dr. Gill announces that “it’s only a flesh wound.” OK, fine: I’m plenty worried about Papelbon; it’s never good when a pitcher grabs at his shoulder in pain. At some point the non-injured guys on the team are going to start wearing suits of armor, like that dude in the lottery ad.)

Anyway, that’s (hopefully) it for me until Tuesday: I’m heading to KC for a wedding. I’ll also be eating the best food on Earth. With any luck, that won’t put me in a food coma I’ll be able to stop by next door as well. Have a good long weekend, everyone. Remember to hug your loved ones.

(Oh, and: this whole “away for the weekend and theoretically not bringing a computer or checking email” thing means I’ll likely be a bit slower than usual about getting to and posting comments. Don’t worry — it’ll all get up there eventually.)

Post Categories: Jonathan Papelbon & Labor Day weekend & Oblique references to The Holy Grail

2 Comments → “And don’t forget to tip your waitresses”

  1. kml1258

    18 years ago


    look me up, I’ll take you out for barbecue.


  2. gmschmidty

    18 years ago

    A Sox fan’s “career” highlight: I was out in KC last August for my best friend’s wedding, and conveniently the Sox were in town. My brother and I made it to two games, and although they lost both, we had the unbelievable fortune of checking out the Negro League Hall of Fame at the same exact time as Papa Jack and Lynn Jones. Got our picture taken with Papa Jack, wearing his World Series ring, right on the model field. Lynn Jones was a little stand-offish, but Jackson was as friendly as you might imagine. I’ll always remember one thing he said to us: “Every player should be REQUIRED to come to this museum when they play in Kansas City. It’s a shame most of them don’t give themselves a chance to see where the game has come from.”


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