Guess who’s back?

January 26th, 2007 → 11:39 am @ // No Comments

I know, and I’m sorry for the extended absence. It’s just that I’ve been finishing up an assignment, engaging in the futile/frustrating search for New York real-estate, and planning a wedding. (I know you all care. You can admit it.)

But events have now made it impossible to continue my wormholding for any longer. So be warned: you ain’t never heard a mind as perverted as mine.*

* Note: this is not actually true.

Post Categories: Grateful Dead

3 Comments → “Guess who’s back?”

  1. Mude

    18 years ago

    Are those your nuptials mentioned above, or are you moonlighting as a wedding planner? Either way (on the new gig or your marriage), congrats and best wishes! 😉


  2. Jack

    18 years ago

    I knew it had to do with a girl!


    Take this guy’s advice –


  3. Nordberg

    18 years ago

    OK, $20 says Murray Chass has a column within a week on what’s wrong with marriage.


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