Kissing Kirshenbaum: Contest extended!

January 13th, 2011 → 9:49 pm @

It was recently brought to my attention that when I initially announced the“Get a Kiss, Win a Book” contest, the comments section of the blog were, um, experiencing technical difficulties.* So! The contest has been extended for one week. Here are the basics:

* Read Sheril Kirshenbaum’s awesome/sexy/fun/interesting The Science of Kissing.
* Write in the comments your favorite thing about the book. (more…)

Post Categories: Books

Get a kiss, win a book

January 4th, 2011 → 4:14 pm @

(January 13, 2011: The contest has been extended for another week — see all the details here.)

Sheril Kirshenenbaum’s The Science of Kissing — a great book with arguably the cover/title of the year — was published today. For anyone who has ever made snap judgments based on the books people are reading on the train/subway/bus/plane — well, think of all the possibilities if someone saw you reading this: (more…)

Post Categories: Books