Tonight, I’m cleaning out my comments: part 2

August 24th, 2006 → 11:41 pm @ // No Comments

I prefer erring on the side of allowing more opinions to be heard as opposed to fewer, but I’m increasingly going to need to edit — and by edit I mean delete — some of the comments. Personal attacks directed at me are fine (until they become redundant); personal attacks directed at others — players, managers, members of the front office, reporters, columnists, old babysitters — are not. I welcome any constructive criticism, but I’m going to need to keep a cap on unmitigated insults. So, for example, “I find myself increasingly frustrated by Mike Timlin’s proclivity to allowing inherited runners to score and I think the Red Sox should consider using someone else as a set-up man” is a-okay; “Mike Timlin is a puss-sucking prick and the mere sight of his face makes me want to puke” is not.

If you post a comment and it doesn’t show up, don’t take it personally; there’s lot of stuff of my own that I end up deleting. If there’s something I find particularly upsetting, I’ll let you know; if you have a question about why a particular comment got edited, let me know. Some guaranteed ways to hear from me: race baiting (or racism), homophobia, sexism, making fun of Peter Gabriel-era Genesis. For any of these things, I’ll warn you once; after that, you’re off the board. Except for making fun of Genesis: there won’t be any warnings for that.

Post Categories: Comments & Counting Out Time & Oblique References to Eminem Lyrics

7 Comments → “Tonight, I’m cleaning out my comments: part 2”

  1. vapodge

    18 years ago

    Wily Mo & Mirabelli just made the wise & foolish virgins giggle with their bodies glowing bright. What an arm! What a fake-out!


  2. Ogie Oglethorpe

    18 years ago

    Illegal Alien???? Come on. Got to be one of the worst song and videos ever. It makes “Fish heads” look like a work of art in both respects. FYI Billy Mummy (Will Robinson) from “Lost in Space” created that Fish Heads video.

    That’s Peter Gabriel-era Genesis, not Phil Collins-era. You know, “Lamb Lies Down on Broadway” and “Selling England By the Pound.” Although “Abacab” is pretty great. But you can make fun of “Abacab” without fear of retribution.

    — Seth


  3. Jack

    18 years ago

    Wow, is it just me or is Paperlate a great song? I can’t believe how good Three Sides Live is. Who’d have thunk you could take a band’s drummer and turn him into the lead singer?


  4. deversm

    18 years ago

    Good use of that comedic gem, the triple (and even though you used the 4-form, it’s still considered a triple). And as a fan of the Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd, you won’t hear anything from me.


  5. Bill Pratt

    18 years ago

    Posting a borderline comment is like watching the gamecast on You send something in and then incessantly refresh the screen by wrapping the F5 key wondering what’s going to happen next.

    And thanks a lot for getting “Red Rain” stuck in my head. I know, I know, that’s from his solo work.


  6. zoowah

    18 years ago

    Fucking editors. 😉

    Genesis? Egad, mon. Would Gabriel ever have done the best album of all time (the soundtrack for the Jesus movie. No, not that one) if he was still with McCartney or whatever his name is?

  7. […] this ground before that I’ll resist going back to drink from that well.) (Oh, and remember: be nice. Or at least polite. Ish.) « Speaking of A-Rod… Where do we go now? (To your local […]


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