Radio/review wrap-up

January 11th, 2011 → 12:30 pm @ // No Comments

* This morning, I talked with CNN’s T.J. Holmes on American Morning; here’s the video.

* Also this morning, The Wall Street Journal‘s Katherine Hobson ran a Q&A with me on the paper’s health blog.

* On Sunday, I was on NPR’s Weekend “All Things Considered” with Guy Raz. Raz is exceedingly astute interviewer — but even if you have no interest in hearing me, it’s worth listening to the first several minutes of the segment, in which Raz interviews a remarkable woman named Kelly Lacek, whose story starts out The Panic Virus. Lacek chose not to vaccinate her son Matthew, who was infected with Hib when he was three years old. After several days in a medically induced coma, Matthew recovered and today he is, as Kelly reports, a typically rambunctious kid. It’s rare to hear parents who decided for whatever reason not to vaccinate talk so openly and eloquently about their experiences. (Audio for the segment is here; a transcript is available here.)

* Culturemob gave the book a wonderful review: “The Panic Virus is the kind of book that is extremely difficult to put down once you start reading. In part because Mnookin’s writing style is effortless; he engages the reader from the opening paragraph and has the ability to simplify complex concepts while never appearing to underestimate his audience. The other thing that makes this book so fascinating is that it is a factual account of a very recent controversy which threw decades of medical practice into doubt. … I cannot recommend this book highly enough. … It serves as a ringing alarm to a sleeping public – we can have our own opinions, but we cannot have our own facts.”

Finally, the blogs Mediaite and The Future of Capitalism also weighed in.

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