Our long national nightmare is over

January 26th, 2007 → 12:08 pm @ // No Comments

By the end of the day, the Red Sox and J.D. Drew will have signed a contract. (I know at least one person who’s gonna be pretty disappointed by this.) The conspiracy theorists who speculated that the Sox had “come to terms” with Drew merely as a way of greasing the skids with Scott Boras in advance of the Dice-K contract have been proven wrong.

The two sides came to some specific agreements concerning Drew’s surgically repaired shoulder; the deal is similar to the ones the Tigers worked out with Magglio and Pudge. The details are pretty straightforward. Now we can all focus on pitchers and catchers…

Post Categories: 2006 Hot Stove Season & J.D. Drew & Murray Chass & Scott Boras

7 Comments → “Our long national nightmare is over”

  1. deversm

    18 years ago

    This just in – JD Drew has severed the front half of his right foot with a chain saw. “Unfortunately in our prolonged re-working of the contract we didn’t see this coming and had only the back half of the left foot protected in the contract. We’re on the hook”, reported a dejected Theo Epstein. Epstein also denied any knowledge of reports from an M. Chass that Scott Boras had just signed Tom Dempsey in an attempt to represent his shoe.


  2. Nordberg

    18 years ago

    Wonder what conspiracy theory goes through Murray’s hollow head if the Red Sox wind up with Todd Helton, as a Denver newspaper hinted at today.


  3. Jack

    18 years ago

    Helton at $50 million is a homerun. Even if we have to give up Hansen. This guy can rake.


  4. Jack

    18 years ago

    Maybe we could give them Lowell, Tavarez and Clement instead of Hansen…


  5. V06

    18 years ago

    “This guy can rake. ”

    You mispelled “could” as “can”

    Todd Helton hit 15 homeruns last year. The dude is 33 years old, has a bad back and a weird GI ailment. Mike Lowell had a higher road OPS last year. I wouldn’t give the Rockies a bag of goat piss in trade for him if they wouldn’t pick up over half of his remaining contract.


  6. Jack

    18 years ago

    …and as I said…for $50 million, I’d take him. The guy was sick last year. We’re not taking him without a battery of medical tests (like Drew). His ’05 numbers were pretty damn good and his batting eye is park neutral and not subject to decline.

    Don’t even try to compare Lowell to a healthy Helton. If he’s healthy (no more stomach problems) and he can swing and run without back pain, then I want him.


  7. Jack

    18 years ago

    And I want Schilling in ’08 and ’09 too. Get that done this week too, Theo.

    Oh, and I want a pony.


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