Stupid GMs, the most overpaid $9 million player in history, and so much more…

December 5th, 2006 → 6:49 pm @ // No Comments

Every now and then, I start to wonder why I write about baseball on my blog when I could get paid (at least a little) by writing about it for one of those legitimate-type publications. Then I write for one of those legitimate type publications and remember that they’re interested in things like “facts” and “lucid arguments” and “coherent sentences.”

Which is to say, I wrote a piece for one of those legitmate-type publications (Slate, actually)…so if you’re curious about what I sound like when I’m forced to be lucid and coherent, here’s a piece about why I think GMs are making so many stupid deals this offseason.

Post Categories: 2006 Hot Stove Season & Slate

2 Comments → “Stupid GMs, the most overpaid $9 million player in history, and so much more…”

  1. Mude

    18 years ago

    Good article, Seth. But I have to disagree with your pick of “the most overpaid $9 million player in history.”

    That’s got to be Bobby Higginson, who made about $9 million in each of ’04 & ’05. His 2004 was bad enough (.246 AVG/.741 OPS), but in 2005:

    2/26 with an OPS of .178, and that was his entire year.


  2. Mude

    18 years ago

    Sorry…MathBoy says Higgy’s OPS was .188 in 2005.


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