The Times‘s stubborn addiction to sloppiness reaches new heights: The Andersen files, Pt. 5 in an ongoing series

June 11th, 2007 → 8:05 am @ // No Comments

In what must be some kind of record, it only took 177 words of this morning’s Times story on Random House for the paper to muff the spelling of Kurt Andersen’s last name…and they did it in the same paragraph in which they spelled his name correctly:

“Random House is also expected to announce today that Kurt Andersen, the author and the host of “Studio 360,” has been named editor at large, where he will suggest new nonfiction books. Last week, Random House, which published Mr. Anderson’s best-selling novel, ‘Heyday,’ announced a two-book deal with him.”

Thank god the Times has new public editor to keep the paper in line. I don’t have the energy to keep at it for much longer.

Post Categories: Kurt Andersen & New York Times

One Comment → “The Times‘s stubborn addiction to sloppiness reaches new heights: The Andersen files, Pt. 5 in an ongoing series”

  1. Mude

    17 years ago

    Happened upon this today…

    Correction: February 16, 2008
    An article in some copies of the Arts & Leisure section this weekend about the state of public broadcasting misspells the surname of a host whose show is distributed by Public Radio International. He is Kurt Andersen, not Anderson.


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