January 8th, 2007 → 4:47 pm @ Seth Mnookin
This isn’t meant to be ironic or knowingly hip or anything else. Seriously: Solla Solla Enna Perumai may be the most amazing person on the planet. (Clip contains a video that’s completely safe for work, unless you work someplace that has an irrational hatred for freaky Bollywood funk routines.)
If you liked that, here’s a bonus clip of Ted Lyons and His Cubs. If I’m not mistaken, that was somehow incorporated into the beginning of “Ghostworld” (the movie, not the comic).
Post Categories: Bollywood & Oblique references to Buckaroo Bonzai
November 28th, 2006 → 5:34 pm @ Seth Mnookin
Ok, fine, that second part isn’t true…but Hill is reading Feeding the Monster because he wants to learn about the business side of sports. Hill hasn’t requested a personalized, signed bookplate…but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t! It makes a great holiday present for your loved ones and in-laws.