About last night; Globe refuses to write about Mike Timlin’s high-wire act; Nomar! Nomar! Nomar!

September 15th, 2006 → 10:54 am @ // No Comments

First things first: thanks to everyone who came out last night to hear me talk about Feeding the Monster at Professor Thoms’. Chris, the always delightful man behind the bar, has some more copies of the book on stock; if you want to get a signed copy, pick one up from Chris during the Yankees series this weekend and I’ll come in and (inscrutably) personalize for you. (Line of the night, coming from Chris after I signed a book for his friend: “What in the world does that say?”) PT’s is at 219 Second Ave, south of 14th Street on the west side of the street.

A couple of other things about last night: I know fewer people want to watch the Sox these days. On the one hand I understand that; on the other hand it baffles me. I’ll never tire of watching baseball, and will never tire of watching the Sox. I love how Pedroia turns the double play; I love how Youkilis is perfecting the “what the fuck!” both hands on the helmet look; I even love watching lefty Lenny. I do not, however, love watching Mike Timlin pitch the ninth. Apparently, the Globe isn’t much enamored of that, either: in today’s game write-up, there’s almost no information about the actual game itself, as most of the article is dedicated to a discussion of whether or not Manny will play again this year. (My bet: nope.) In case you’re actually wondering what happened in Baltimore, Ian Browne has the skinny on redsox.com. A quick summary: Ortiz is getting walked a lot without Manny in the lineup; Mark Loretta is following in the Todd Walker-Mark Bellhorn tradition of unlikely offensive forces coming out of 2B (even though Loretta was at first last night, with Youks in left); Timlin gave up a first-batter double in the bottom of the ninth with the Sox clinging to a one-run lead before escaping from a 1st and 3rd, one out situation.

Finally, judging from last night’s Q/A, there’s still a whole lot of interest in the shortstop formerly known as Nomah. So here are the three interview outtakes I printed back in June:

* Nomar on his Achilles injury and 2004

* Nomar’s not always that thrilled about Boston

and finally:

* Nomar on being traded to the Cubs

There’s lots, lots more about Nomar in the book — and lots more about the enigma known as Manny, the other hot topic last night — so if, for some odd, unknowable reason, you haven’t picked one up yet, do it now. (Providence/Boston are folks can do so next week and have me sign said book at one of my appearances.)

Post Categories: Feeding the Monster Outtakes & Feeding the Monster Readings & Manny Ramirez & Nomar Garciaparra

5 Comments → “About last night; Globe refuses to write about Mike Timlin’s high-wire act; Nomar! Nomar! Nomar!”

  1. soxfannyc

    18 years ago

    Seth, thanks for the event last night, had a great time. Will never get tired of discussing the Sox. Look forward to reading the book.



  2. Carson

    18 years ago

    With sixteen games to go and the red Sox 8.5 back in the wild card, I love the fact that redsox.com describes the team as “still in contention” after this series. Is that the same as “not yet mathematically eliminated”?


  3. miles44

    18 years ago

    Seth, thanks for pointing that out about the Globe’s writeup. I went to the game in Baltimore last night, and it was one of the better games I’ve seen in person — lots of lead changes, Loretta’s clutch hitting, Youk’s shoulda-been homer, Burns/Foulke/Hansen coming up big, and finally a potential disaster from Timlin in the 9th only averted by a HUGE double play. When I clicked on the Globe’s writeup this morning, eager to see the poetry of the game put into prose, I saw … a column on someone who didn’t play. Great.


  4. Jakmut

    18 years ago

    I’m glad you’re out signing books but when are you making to the West coast? What the hell do I gotta do to get a copy? I’m dying for Red Sox culture out here.


  5. deversm

    18 years ago


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