That’s Times, spelled T-I-M-E-S

September 17th, 2006 → 10:39 am @ // No Comments

It’s been twenty years since Kurt Andersen and Graydon Carter founded the late, great Spy magazine, and since then, it’s not as if Andersen’s been a shrinking violet. He was the editor in chief of New York. He co-founded He’s been a columnist for Time and The New Yorker.

And he’s currently a columnist for New York, hosts “Studio 360” for Public Radio International, and has a novel coming out inthe spring.

You’d think that, with this resume, there’d be someone at the Times — if not the writer, then a story editor, and if not a story editor, a copy editor — who knows that Andersen doesn’t spell his name with an ‘o,’ as in ‘Anderson.’ And yet in a story in today’s Style section about the just-launched Good magazine,” there’s this quote:

“I was really surprised at how much I wanted to read it, and how good it looked on a first glance of a first issue,” said Kurt Anderson, a former editor and founder of magazines, including Spy and Inside.Com. “First issues aren’t necessarily great, but I was impressed by how it looked, the writers they got to write. It’s an interesting idea. Lord knows if they can make a go of it commercially.”

A quick online search shows the Times has made this mistake at least eight times since Andersen founded Spy. Still, he shouldn’t feel too badly: as recently April, the Times was still getting the name of the paper’s founding family, the Ochs-Sulzbergers, wrong. And they’ve only owned the paper for 110 years.

Post Categories: Kurt Andersen & New York Times

2 Comments → “That’s Times, spelled T-I-M-E-S”

  1. 111875

    18 years ago

    The nation turns its lonely eyes…

    Really? Nothing? We take 3 out of 4 in the stadium and not a word? Say it ain’t so. Disappointing run as of late, to be damn sure. But there is still something about getting up in the morning, checking the paper, spilling over it all. It’s what I miss about the *paper* rather than checking the Globe online from way out West…Page 4/Baseball. And then that first week without it in the fall. We’ve got some time left, dont’ bail yet.

    And work is not an excuse for not checking in…


  2. Gawker

    18 years ago

    Media Bubble: Old Dogs, New Tricks…

    • Rupert Murdoch and Sumner Redstone: Old and in charge. [LAT] • Media readership falling? (Yes.) Maybe we should change……


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