The Big Papi Prediction Contest: You all lose

October 5th, 2006 → 9:48 am @ // No Comments

Back on August 24, I launched the Big Papi Prediction Contest, in which loyal readers guessed the total number of dingers and RBIs Papi would end up with at the end of the year; the closest guess (without going over) would win a signed, personalized copy of Feeding the Monster.

At the time, Ortiz had 45 homers and 119 RBIs. Then he missed a bunch of time due to his heart murmur. Ortiz’s year-end totals were 54 and 137, leaving him with 191…and not a single one of the 52 entries guessed 191 or below. So I’m exercising my executive right and am changing the rules: now the closest entry wins even if s/he goes over.

Without further ado, the two winners are geigerm (52+140 for a total of 192) and souljade (49+143=192); I’ll be emailing both of them to figure out the specifics. (Not that it matters, but Randy Kutcher (53+140, 193) and sdillard (52+141, 193) tied for second place.) So congrats, guys (or gals).

Post Categories: Contests & David Ortiz

2 Comments → “The Big Papi Prediction Contest: You all lose”

  1. Retire_Number_14

    18 years ago

    SM, change the rules again! You should pick a winner who got at least one of the key numbers exactly correct, like, me! I picked 54 and 154. While I was off by 17 RBIs, I had the HR number nailed (I saw number 50 in person, which was cool) and if he didn’t miss those two weeks he might have been close to 154 ribbies too. I just want to win, baby, and I’m a sore loser.


  2. yerfatma

    18 years ago

    Shit. All those years of Price is Right taught me nothing.


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