Questions from our loyal readers

October 16th, 2006 → 10:40 am @ // No Comments

Nate from Connecticut has a question for all you number freaks out there: have the Yankees spent more in player payroll this millenium to not win a World Series than the Red Sox did in 86 years? The Yankees, as has been wildly reported, have spent around a billion dollars on player salaries since 2000. The Sox, according to Nate’s computations, spent around $875,000,000 to not win a Series between 1985 and 2003, leaving them approximately $125 million for the period in between 1918 and 1984. only has a salary database going back to ’85; anyone know where Nate can find the rest of the info he needs?

Post Categories: Red Sox & Yankees

4 Comments → “Questions from our loyal readers”


    18 years ago

    I don’t have that info for Nate. But I’m a number freak, too, and I just want to point out something. We keep hearing about the $1 billion in payroll for zero championships, but if we’re looking at this from an economic viewpoint we also have to consider the amount of annual revenues brought in by the Yankees ($277 million in 2005)* and the market value of the team ($1.026 billion)*. Huge dollars out, yes, but also huge dollars in. It might be more meaningful to look at the Yankees’ total net losses for the six years as opposed to just their payroll expenses. Sorry, I’m an accountant.

    *per April/06 Forbes magazine


  2. yerfatma

    18 years ago

    If the numbers are adjusted for inflation, it seems hard to believe 6 years could exceed 86 years, but the one thing in the Sox “favor” here would be the effects of the reserve clause in keeping players salaries artifically low. Collusion in the 80s would also mask how much money the Red Sox would have spent in a competitive market. Albiet a market with effectively one buyer (i.e., a monopsony).


  3. scott c

    18 years ago

    Be sure to keep us updated on Nate’s study!


  4. Information Leafblower

    18 years ago

    Make Some Sense…

    I’m assuming everyone’s seen it by now, but above is the new Oasis video for “The Masterplan.” Not my favorite Oasis video, but animated Liam is pretty cool. Plus, it’s better than the ridiculous “All Around The World” video…….


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