The people have spoken, and they want to discuss a very short man

October 24th, 2006 → 3:36 pm @ // No Comments

I’m a serious man, and I like to think that I spend my time working on serious things; because of this, I was attempting to get through the week without spending any time thinking (or writing) about the death of Nelson De La Rosa, the two-foot, four-inch actor, man about town, and Mini-Me inspiration who became known as a Red Sox good luck charm after Pedro embraced him during the ’04 playoffs. (Nelson was also one hell of a tiny dancer.) De La Rosa (aka Mahow Mahow), who was 38, died at early Sunday morning at the Rhode Island Hospital. The cause was unknown.

For anyone who didn’t follow the Nelson-Pedro romance, the two Dominicans went through an ugly breakup after Pedro signed with the Mets. Pedro called Nelson a “palm-sized pipsqueak” at his introductory news conference at Shea; Nelson responded, like all jilted lovers do, with a mixture of hurt and anger, saying that Pedro had broken his heart and that he’d root for the Red Sox regardless of where Pedro was pitching.

You’d think that’d be the end of the story…but you’d be wrong. As one high-powered and influential lawyer in Washington wrote, there wasn’t much “in the way of healthy journalistic skepticism about the cause of death. What really happened? Has Brian Cashman made a statement? The US Attorney’s Office? The State Department?” Said lawyer implored me to plow my sources. In lieu of that, I’m plowing my readers. (Pervert: not that way.) Please send in all thoughts/conspiracy theories/bad jokes.

Post Categories: Conspiracy Theories & Nelson De La Rosa & Oblique references to Elton John songs

2 Comments → “The people have spoken, and they want to discuss a very short man”

  1. scott c

    18 years ago

    An anonymous source (see, I can be a sportswriter too) tells me that De La Rosa started seeing Cory Lidle shortly after he and Pedro broke up. The news reports rounded down, technically 2.5 people were killed in the plane crash.


  2. Shalomar

    18 years ago

    Remember Pedro and his mango tree? Let’s just say that Pedro has had a little time to spend noshing under his tree, and Nelson walked by looking like a ripe mango.


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