How Green is my Apple

October 26th, 2006 → 10:08 am @ // No Comments

For all your enviro-conscious New Yorker types, Ben Jervey — a Middlebury grad who went to school with my brother (Jervey, for those of you are curious, is nicknamed the Gerbler (I have no idea, so don’t ask)) — is discussing his book “The Big Green Apple: The Eco-Friendly Guide to New York” tonight from 7-9 pm at Brooklyn’s 3r Living, at 276 5th Avenue between 1st Street and Garfield Place in Brooklyn’s beautiful Park Slope. Come for the beer, stay for the baby carriages and patchouli.

Post Categories: Ben Jervey

One Comment → “How Green is my Apple”

  1. Mr. Furious

    17 years ago

    I’ll second the baby carriages, but not the patchouli. And, yes, Park Slope is the finest place to live in NYC in my opinion. And it’s only gotten nicer (albiet more expensive) since I left.


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