America proves it has some taste

October 30th, 2006 → 8:37 pm @ // No Comments

It looks like the certifiably noxious Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is about the cancelled. Confused by the generally positive reviews? You shouldn’t be: the only people who could possibly be able to keep a straight face while watching a show that acts as if the moral future of the country depends on whether some over-paid narcissistic sketch comedy writer can force a skit about dumb conservatives onto the air are those directly involved in television and those who write about it for a living. (That was quite a sentence, huh?) (Don’t be surprised if the next episode contains some snarky allusion to the playa-haters out there; anyone who’s watched even one episode knows that yes, Aaron Sorkin really is that obsessively solipsistic, and not in a funny, you-need-to-be-in-on-the-joke-to-get-it-but-then-it’s-oh-so-worth-it kind of way.)

(For anyone who wants to watch a good (and occasionally great) show about a Saturday Night Live-esque outfit, check out 30 Rock. There’s no other way to say this: Alec Baldwin is a comic genius. (And Tracy Morgan is a Jedi with four hearts.))

Post Categories: 30 Rock & Oblique references to Arrested Development & Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

5 Comments → “America proves it has some taste”

  1. KeeferD420

    18 years ago

    Awww…I don’t know what it is about this show, but I really kind of liked it…. I didn’t LOVE it, but it’s kind of a bummer that it’s going, going, gone.
    But – it was taking Medium’s timeslot, so maybe that will be back soon!


  2. Mr. Furious

    18 years ago

    I haven’t watched the show, and initially (pre-season) I was somewhat excited for it. After everything I’ve heard about it, when I saw yesterday that it was being canned, I gave a little Nelson Muntz “Ha Ha!” because it seemed like they deserved it.


  3. Hannibal Lester

    18 years ago

    I hate Matthew Perry.


  4. northernlady1115

    18 years ago

    uh, OK, I get that no news is coming from the Red Sox front office, is this what we are reduced to? Writing about another failed Matthew Perry attempt to be real??? (smile)

    So, besides my fav Wakefield and surprising (duh) Timlin — what else are we hearing???

    now that the WS is over, and everyone here in Missouri has awakened and found out they have a winning team in the state, I expected to hear more from Yawkee Way. Where they KNOW they have a winning baseball team.

    Anything? Bueller?


  5. lewah33

    17 years ago

    why hate on this show? Its better than most of the tripe that’s out there. Seth, you’re linking to Fox News – are you a Bill O’reily devotee? There are shows I don’t particularly like, but you know how I deal with that? I don’t watch them!


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