November 6th, 2006 → 11:37 am @ Seth Mnookin // No Comments
Last week was the final chunk of concentrated Feeding the Monster appearances for the year, with readings at the Baseball Analysis at Tufts student organization, the Millbury Public Library, a Boston-based investment firm, the annual convention of the Boston chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research, Needham’s Temple Beth Shalom, and the Woburn Public Library. Without further ado…
* Despite the sauna-like heat in a basement lecture hall, the members of Baseball Analysis at Tufts — one of the cooler student groups around — managed to not only stay awake but ask perhaps the most interesting and educated questions of any audience I’ve spoken to thus far. I don’t know what’s in the water in Medford, but it sure makes those kids right smart. Schwag: one extra-large Tufts t-shirt. (Apparently they think I’m built more like Papi and less like Pedro.)
* The best things about speaking at a place of employment are: a) everyone’s happy to see you — it means less time working!, and b) everyone realizes what a good holiday gift a signed copy of FTM makes for their in-laws and loved ones alike. Schwag: peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and beer. (I didn’t partake of the latter.)
* The Friends of the Millbury Public Library make damn good brownies. Schwag: a take-home plate of blondies, chocolate cookies, and some sort of coconut concoction.
* The intimidation factor of speaking in front of a local SABR chapter is outweighed by the intellectual stimulation provided by an audience that has, as should be expected, a different take on almost everything having to do with the game. Schwag: a pen. (Technically that was pilfered, but still.)
* Jews sure do know how to eat. (No schwag at this one, but lots of bagels and lox.)
* Jim Schreider, my 11th-grade math teacher, looks almost exactly like he looked in 1988. He was one of the most enjoyable teachers I had; yesterday I learned that he misses NNHS about as much as I do, and now gives private SAT lessons to Boston-area students. (If, for some reason, you need SAT lessons look this guy up.)
* The Woburn Public Library, designed by Henry Hobson Richardson (who also designed Boston’s Trinity Church), is one of the most beautiful libraries I have ever been in.
* The Mystic River Lakes are gorgeous.
* The New England Mobile Book Fair rules. (I already knew that, but it never hurts to point it out again.)
There are some more dates coming up, including one this Wednesday at the Springfield Public Forum and one next week at a Fenway Fundraiser. And if you’re interested in having me come to speak at your place of employment, let me know…
Post Categories: Feeding the Monster Readings