If it’s December 10th…

December 10th, 2006 → 9:53 am @ // No Comments

“Amazing team, these Red Sox. We’re busy digging out from yesterday’s snow, the Patriots will probably clinch the division title tomorrow, and our winter sports teams are struggling below .500, but everywhere you go folks are talking about the local baseball team. Never out of season, the Sox have produced a staggering amount of news and speculation, and fans are scratching their heads trying to figure out who’s coming and who’s going. … The hot stove has never been hotter.”
“This Team is Never Out of Season”
By Dan Shaughnessy
December 10, 2005

“Hot stove? It’s a scalding griddle for young Theo Epstein. He could get burned. … It is Dec. 10 and the local football team is possibly bound for its fourth Super Bowl in six years. The Bruins are on the rise, the Boston College football coach bolted with a bowl game still on the calendar (Chuck Fairbanks-like), UMass is playing for a national championship in football . . . and we’re still wall-to-wall Red Sox. 24/7. … [The Red Sox are] never, ever, out of season.”
Hits of Errors for G.M.
By Dan Shaughnessy
December 10, 2006

Post Categories: 2006 Hot Stove Season & Boston Globe & Dan Shaughnessy

4 Comments → “If it’s December 10th…”

  1. unsure_egoist

    18 years ago

    When I saw the headline of Shaughnessy’s column this morning, I wondered how long it would be before he introduced the phrase “Theo’s handsome head” into the proceedings. Predictably, I wasn’t disappointed, as by paragraph eight he was describing a series of 2006 deals as blowing up in Theo’s “handsome face.” Clearly, Shaughnessy thinks Theo’s a real looker. He’s not alone in that camp, but can anyone explain why this is relevant or passable in his columns — any more relevant or passable than if he wrote about, say, Brian Cashman’s *un*handsome head? Shaughnessy’s attempt to throw inflammatory barbs is at best needlessly incendiary and at worst lamely juvenile. Get a new hook, Shaughnessy, please.


  2. Nordberg

    18 years ago

    I refer to my comment from yesterday.
    Lest we forget to point out that Shaughnessy cited Chass’ anonymously sourced Chass tampering column that Eades already has refuted. Who does Dan trust more, Chass or Eades? I guess it’s whomever reports more dirt on the handsome, young Theo, who apparently has pissed in Dan’s coffee.
    Hey, Dan. Um, remember the word “relevant?”



    18 years ago

    Wow. It is incredible that Shaughnessy wrote virtually the same storyas he did on the same day the previous year. He really puts the DAN in REDUNDANT. And that ‘handsome head’/ ‘faded halo’ stuff really irritates me too.


  4. Centerfield13

    18 years ago

    Shaughnessy is now turning on Theo and showing he’s #1 on the list of negative Boston writers. What an ass. He’s a boring, negative, whiny writer who hasn’t written a good article in a gazillion years.


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