
December 19th, 2006 → 10:27 am @ // No Comments

One of Feeding the Monster‘s faithful readers actually beat me to the punch, as noted in the comment (#8) he made on yesterday’s post.

To wit: this past weekend, Brian M. emailed Murray Chass and asked about the whole Drew/Dodgers tampering story. Brian says he got this reply in return:

“I will base my reputation of nearly 40 years at the Times against anything the LA Times reported. Ask anybody in the business, and he will tell you my reporting is always correct, whether I’m quoting people by name or not. You don’t have to believe what I have reported, but that’s your problem, not mine.”

Wow. “My reporting is always correct”? We’re dealing with a deity here, folks. Apparently, Chass is so omniscient that his reporting is correct even when the subjects themselves say it’s not, as was the case when Chass said people were whispering in his ear that “Colletti wasn’t returning Epstein’s telephone calls.” That was so correct that a Dodgers spokesman felt compelled to clarify that “they probably talked about 20 times last week,” just one of several “clarifications” that article prompted.

Well sure, Ned Colletti might say that…but has he checked with Murray and his 40 years in the business?

Post Categories: Murray Chass & New York Times

2 Comments → “Wow.”

  1. cursemyreverse

    18 years ago

    I think Shaughnessy and Chass should host a tv show together.

    I also think it would fitting if some writer enacted a wag the dog sort of fabrication on several of the worst offending sportswriters, just so everyone can see how bad it really is.

  2. […] apparently, as Murray’s said before, he’d stake his “nearly 40 years at the Times” against other news […]


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