(Yawn! Stretch!) Did I miss anything?

February 15th, 2007 → 2:48 pm @ // No Comments

It’s true: I haven’t posted in a week, which is by far my largest absence from the Interweb since I started blogging back in June. Sadly, I don’t have any great excuse: I haven’t been in Washington blogging the Libby trial; I haven’t been getting laid off by the Globe; I haven’t been obsessively chronicling Dice-K’s every long toss; and I haven’t been fomenting Mariano’s discontent.

My days have been spent on much more pedestrian tasks: scrambling to deal with the one-two punch of Valentine’s Day and the pre-wife’s birthday, and trying to buy a place to live in the ulcer-inducing New York City real estate market. (I’ve also been taking full advantage of the latest medical breakthroughs and treating myself to a minimum of one nap per afternoon.) Oh, I’ve also been making a thus-far less-than-impressive effort to, um, what do they call that? Ah yes: work.

There’s also the little matter of there being almost nothing to write about. Yes, Lefty Lenny has decamped for California, but really, all that means is that the last member of this illustrious crew has finally has left town. J.D.’s finally on the 40-man and the beginning of several weeks of non-news out of Fort Myers has begun (the Globe is actually running a hacked version of Google Maps that marks “attractions” and “Globe picks.” I’ve been to Fort Myers. There’s no such thing as a Fort Myers attraction.)

So. I’ll make every effort to be more diligent. But if I’m going to try to stick to my “don’t open my mouth unless I have something to say” policy (as well as my temporary hiatus from Chass-ville on my heart doctor’s orders), I’m going to need some more material to work with…

Post Categories: 2007 Spring Training & TMI

10 Comments → “(Yawn! Stretch!) Did I miss anything?”

  1. branatical

    18 years ago

    Seth, you’re slippin…your man Bradford is creepin on a comeup with his Blog. This news I feel deserved an honorable mention by non other than you.

    BDD is on Matsuzaka’s case, why? Because he cost the team $103 million dollars, (non of which is theirs, or is some of it theirs bc of the GLOBE part ownership?) wears a pink shirt and has a little beer gut going on? Please, I think the added volume can only help. It’s not like he’s Boomer fat or Schilling fat. Better that than a scrawny little Pedro type.


  2. benschon

    18 years ago

    Here are some ideas.

    Sox 2007 closers: Tavarez, Piniero, Donnelly, Timlin. If they all more or less repeat their 2006 performances, it’s going to be ugly. Maybe the plan is to have the starters pitch complete games 80% of the time?

    Keith Foulke. Joel Piniero. They both have $5 million/1 year contracts, so it’s kind of an equal swap. Who is the bigger risk?

    Do we even have a back up catcher?


  3. benschon

    18 years ago

    Addenda to the previous questions:

    Oh, yeah, Craig Hansen is on the roster, too. He probably has the biggest upside of the group, but he’s still too raw to be considered the number 1 guy to finish games, right?

    How poorly will Doug Mirabelli have to play before they stop letting him be Wakefield’s “personal” catcher. I say really, really bad.



    18 years ago

    The blog by Bradford looks like it’s going to be good stuff. Another great place to while away the afternoon instead of doing work…

    The BDD poll for ‘all-beloved’ Red Sox team turned out to be fairly interesting, I thought. The cool thing was that it was a nice mix of the new and the old. Big Papi was the most beloved player and Pedro the most beloved pitcher, but the outfield was Yaz, Freddy and Dewey, not Manny, JD and Trot. Sox fans show again what long memories they have.


  5. miles44

    18 years ago

    Ummm, I’d say Foulke is the bigger risk … since he just retired.

    We don’t win the 2004 ALCS without Keith Foulke, never mind the World Series. Unfortunately, looks like that overuse ended his career.

    But hey, it didn’t seem like he was enjoying baseball anymore, and now he can go home to AZ, count his money, and shine his ring. Not such a bad fate.


  6. cursemyreverse

    18 years ago

    I’ll contribute money to CHB’s early retirement from the globe. I’m sure a lot would. But he has to promise not to ever write again, unless its for the Yankees.


  7. rog

    18 years ago

    I think Foulke sacrificed his body for the game. He pitched an insane amount of innings in the 2004 playoffs (read Feeding the Monster, as if that book needed further plugging…) Manny didn’t do enough to deserve the MVP, it should’ve been Foulke’s. Foulke’s biggest problem is his mouth and inflammatory language. One thing that he is not is greedy. He could’ve triggered the player option in Boston and hoped to get either traded or a buyout, then sign with Cleveland and fake it for a while in order to collect another big paycheck. He did none of those things. I think he has more courage and character than, say, Carl Pavano.


  8. mhancock24

    18 years ago

    this will make Seth happy


  9. Nordberg

    18 years ago

    Gotta give my props to Foulke here.
    So what if he wasn’t couthe (couth?) He was the 2004 postseason hero.
    Thanks, Keith. Maybe a few jackasses will give you a hard time, but not me. I’ll awalys respect the work you did.


  10. Jenny

    18 years ago

    Thank goodness Rob Bradford finally has a blog. I don’t know if there’s anything special about him writing-wise, but he gets good stories, he’s engaging, and he doesn’t seem to have an axe to grind like some writers I could name (not referring to Seth, of course). This blog is long overdue. I hope he keeps getting more exposure, because he’s underrated. I loved his “Chasing Steinbrenner” book.


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