The latest contender for worst free-agent signing of the offseason

February 28th, 2007 → 6:03 pm @ // No Comments

Gary Matthews Jr. This whole to-do is a shame: $50 million can buy a lot of juice these days.

Post Categories: 2007 Spring Training & Gary Matthews Jr. & Steroids

2 Comments → “The latest contender for worst free-agent signing of the offseason”

  1. Neil

    18 years ago

    This was about as obvious as Adrian Beltre 2004.


  2. Easterner

    18 years ago

    The PA is playing with fire. They are use to beating management and the same tactics run the risk of angering the posturing politicos of Wash. Fehr could in theory (though unlikely) if he angers Wash enough be charged under RICO as running a rackeering organization. RICO requires 2 Fed felonies to qualify, like Obstruction of Justice and aiding and abetting felony traffic of controlled substances. Selig and J. Loria have been RICO’d in the past so it is not without precedence.


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