This very well may be one more thing Curt Schilling can beat me at.

March 8th, 2007 → 4:16 pm @ // No Comments

Blogging, that is: Schilling recently launched 38 Pitches, because there aren’t enough outlets for him to get his message out. (I kid, I kid!)

Why do I think Schill can best me? Well, for one thing he’s much more dedicated. Back when he was a semi-regular poster on Sons of Sam Horn*, he’d post during those times when you might expect him to be busy doing other things: after starts, right before World Series games, etc. And as the last week has shown, when things get hectic for me — multiple assignments all due at the same time; real estate insanity; a messy apartment — I post with much less frequently. Curt has also figured out one of the best ways to build up page views: force the reader to click through to see the whole post. (I care about you all too much to do that. Or I’m too lazy to set it up. You decide.) Finally, for some darned reason, there appears to be more interest in what he has to say: his inaugural post got 114 comments. Granted, a lot of them were of the “this is awesome!” variety, but still.

That said, I’d like to think I’m at least a better writer and that I’m more precise in my use of language — I’d never, for instance, refer to Papelbon as a “prospect,” as Schilling did yesterday. I also think, for some odd reason, that Schilling is far more likely to start trouble with his blog than I am with mine. After all, the only real time I got into it online was when Bill Simmons and I had it out…and we made up a couple of hours later. Just wait until Schill starts talking about steroids, or Pedro, or politics, or, well, pretty much anything.

There is one pressing question I hope Schilling takes the time to address. We all know Curt read Feeding the Monster (although shockingly, he never asked for one of the free, signed bookplates which, by the way, are still available and go wonderfully with that brand new copy of the book (available for only $17.16 on Amazon — cheap!) you’re sure to want before Opening Day). But I still don’t know if he liked it or not. Curt, now’s your chance to let me know. Don’t hold back. I can take it.

* It’s too bad the frenzy that following G38’s SoSH posts resulting in him pretty much abandoning the site — he offered up some pretty remarkable insights. Alas.

Post Categories: Bill Simmons & Curt Schilling & Feeding the Monster reactions

3 Comments → “This very well may be one more thing Curt Schilling can beat me at.”

  1. drleather2001

    18 years ago

    I ordered a bookplate from Seth and a book from Amazon on the same day. I got the bookplate 2 days later (thanks!) and the f-cking book has yet to arrive. I ordered it 9 days ago. Just saying…


  2. deversm

    18 years ago

    A double-nested parenthetical! It may only be March, but Mnookin is already in mid-season form.


  3. Daniel W. Drezner

    18 years ago

    Born to blog…

    The Opening Day starter for the Boston Red Sox, Curt Schilling, now has a blog. In his first week, he’s already moved down the learning curve, following David Pinto’s advice and introducing much-needed line breaks into his posts. Sports fans……


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