Tony Romo: A singer in a smokey room

March 8th, 2007 → 3:47 pm @ // No Comments

I’ve been looking at wedding bands, and what I really want is either a Journey cover band or an ’80s cover band. They’re harder to find than you might think. Sure, Stickerbook, an all-girl band that plays saws and mouth-harps, does a pretty awesome version of Don’t Stop Believing, and the Boston-based Fast Times (warning: this website is both loud and annoying) does a mean version of Hungry Like the Wolf. (Little known fact: Toddler, the band I played in right after college, also did a mean version of said song, if, that is, your definition of “mean” is “emo-core.” There are no extant recordings of this. I think that’s best for everyone involved.)

Anyway. This post actually has nothing to do with wedding bands, but it’s difficult to think of a good way to introduce a clip of Cowboys QB Tony Romo and Saved by the Bell’s Dennis Haskins joining California’s Metal Skool (website’s official title: “rock your balls off” — and they’re available for Bar Mitzvahs and birthday parties) on stage for a cover of Don’t Stop Believing (warning: there are copious swears in this clip). Suffice to say it’s better than Stickerbook’s rendition. (And no, I won’t make any jokes about how Romo handles a mike better than he does a snap.)

Any mention of Journey also gives me a chance to link to the still-hysterical “What Would Journey Do?” piece than ran about a decade ago. Read it. You’ll learn something.

Post Categories: Cover Bands & Journey & Saved by the Bell & Toddler & Tony Romo

3 Comments → “Tony Romo: A singer in a smokey room”

  1. Jack

    18 years ago

    Bro, get married in Naples Florida and book a band called A200. They’ll play your 80s tunes and they can do a full (and awesome) Journey set.

    Then you can also blog from Spring Training…


  2. deversm

    18 years ago

    I’m working to start a cover band that does only Journey, REO Speedwagon, and Styx covers. For an encore, we bend the rules and do “Oh Sherry” followed by “Don’t Fight It”. I don’t think we’re going to be ready in time for your nuptials though.


  3. rog

    18 years ago

    There’s a band in L.I. called ‘Evolution’ and not only does the dude sing and look like Steve Perry, he auditioned and almost got the Journey gig after Perry called it quits (they went with Steve Augeri instead). They play at the Canal Room a lot and you should see them. Seriously. The first time I saw them I went as a joke, but couldn’t believe how fucking great they were and now I see them a few times a year. Sadly, their show is better than most new music out right now.


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