This Thursday: watch the Sox-Rockies, get your FTM personally inscribed.

June 11th, 2007 → 8:32 am @ // No Comments

All you NYC Sox fans: Don’t forget this Thursday’s Feeding the Monster reading/book signing/discussion/heckling at Professor Thoms, the East Village’s Red Sox bar extraordinaire. Thoms is at 219 2nd Ave, and has a 41-foot bar and an 100-foot projection screen, so there’ll be plenty of distractions. And, of course, the bar plays every Sox game, all-year round. Here’s your chance to get your FTM paperback (also available from Amazon for only $10.20 — cheap!) personally scribbled on by me. And all while the Sox sit atop the AL East. Yay!

(Boston-area Sox fans shouldn’t despair: there’s full slate of Dirty Water readings scheduled for next week.

Post Categories: Washington Post

One Comment → “This Thursday: watch the Sox-Rockies, get your FTM personally inscribed.”

  1. maranara

    17 years ago

    Are you going to do any readings/signings in the DC area? Heck, if nothing else, it will mean you can see a Nats game at RFK before they move next season…



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