The Bronx is Burning, 2.0

August 2nd, 2007 → 6:27 pm @ // No Comments

The new Conde Nast business magazine, Portfolio, launched in the spring. If you happened to be living in the NYC media world, you could be excused for thinking it was as big a story as Rupert’s purchase of the Journal. (I have some friends who work there, so I decided I’d wait until I saw some more issues before I decided what I thought of the whole project. I’ll leave it at that…)The new issue has at least one article with some fascinating dirt for baseball fans: this piece on George Steinbrenner, in which Steinbrenner’s son is quoted as saying one way to improve the team is to “get rid of my father.” (And that’s not the worst of it…at one point, Steinbrenner answers a whole series of questions by saying, “Great to see ya, Tommy.”)

It’s definitely worth checking out…especially when compared with this Fortune magazine story about the Yankees, Steinbrenner, and the YES Network. To be fair, the Portfolio story is a major investigative piece that, judging from the magazine’s publication schedule, probably took a year to put out; the Fortune story is a much smaller project. But man does it seem lame in comparison: “Off the field, an even weightier drama is playing out. George Steinbrenner, the Yankees’ demanding, combustible, and usually larger-than-life principal owner, has been strangely silent. This silence is feeding rumors of the Boss’s failing health.” Stop the presses!

Post Categories: George Steinbrenner & Portfolio

2 Comments → “The Bronx is Burning, 2.0”

  1. gedge

    16 years ago

    I’m torn as to what to think of the portion of the Portfolio article…was it Steinbrenner being a demented old guy who can’t think straight anymore? Or was it a guy who wasn’t happy about being ambushed by what he thought was a friend who brought along a reporter George didn’t want to talk to? I’m leaning towards the latter. GS might have just been polite and avoiding saying “f you, get the hell out”. The fact that he did respond to other questions and then purposely ignored the writer backs up my belief…

  2. […] has had some buzz-worthy sports stories in the past, notably last year’s dispatch in which Franz Lidz gave the best evidence yet that George Steinbrenner is no longer all there (before this year’s golf-cart trip around the field during the All-Star Game, that […]


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