CBS & the flu vaccine, pt. 2: A little misinformation goes a long way

January 29th, 2011 → 4:28 pm @

It didn’t take long for comments to start showing up on my post criticizing Sharyl Attkisson’s misleading flu vaccine story on the CBS News site. (A very quick recap: Attkisson implied, incorrectly, that a study by Amy Brooks-Kayal indicated that febrile seizures linked to the flu vaccine put children at an increased risk of developmental disorders.)

Before I get into the substance of those comments, I want to share the contents of an email Brooks-Kayal sent me this morning after I asked her about the CBS News report: (more…)

Post Categories: Blog post

A disappearance in a CBS News flu vaccine story…and the persistence of disinformation

January 28th, 2011 → 10:17 pm @

Two days ago, CBS News’s Sharyl Attkisson posted a story on the CBS web site titled, “Child Flu Vaccine Seizures?” It ended thusly:


Post Categories: Blog post