Lessons from the shaming of chemically castrating doc who “endangers autistic children and exploits their parents”

May 4th, 2011 → 7:40 pm @

With the exception of Andrew Wakefield, there are no more infamous anti-vaccine “researchers” than Dr. Mark Geier and his son, David.

(photo by Antonio Perez, Chicago Tribune)

Last week, the Maryland State Board of Physicians suspended Mark Geier’s license to practice medicine. (As far as I can tell, this doesn’t affect Geier’s ability to practice in the other states in which he’s licensed, including California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington.) That this move comes years too late for scores of children does not mean it is not incredibly welcome.

Read more on The Panic Virus PLoS blog…

Post Categories: Autism & excerpt & Media & The Panic Virus & vaccines

Mitochondrial-autism study addendum…

December 14th, 2010 → 8:07 pm @

I’m not sure how I missed this, but this is an excellent interview by Left Brain/Right Brain‘s Kevin Leitch with UC-Davis prof Cecilia Giulivi, the lead author of the aforementioned JAMA piece on mitochondria and autism. It offers a fairly convincing rebuttal to anti-vaccers arguing that the JAMA study provides more ammunition to the charge that somehow, someway, vaccines are to blame:

KL: Do you think, based on available science (including your paper) that vaccines cause autism?

CG: We do not have any evidence for this in our study. Our study was cross-sectional not longitudinal so it cannot point to any cause (not just vaccines), meaning we do not have any data supporting one way or another.

Post Categories: JAMA & LB/RB & mitochondrial autism & vaccines

The Huffington Post: Featuring bad science, facile reasoning since 2005

December 14th, 2010 → 12:19 pm @

On Saturday, The Huffington Post published a story titled Autism Research: Breakthrough Discovery on the Causes of Autism. The piece was about a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association titled “Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism,” which, according to the HuffPo‘s Mark Hyman, “discovered a profound and serious biological underpinning of autism.”

This is a big deal because if scientists can identify a biological mechanism that causes autism, they’re that much closer to determining a cure. (Indeed, the study received plenty of attention from all sorts of blogs.) It’s also notable because the vaccines-cause-autism crowd has as of late claimed that vaccines damage mitochondria–and therefore cause autism. But Hyman’s claim is not supported by the actual data presented in the paper he wrote about. (more…)

Post Categories: alternative medicine & Andrew Wakefield & Huffington Post & JAMA & mitochondrial autism & vaccines