Life is unfair

June 14th, 2006 → 12:05 am @ // No Comments

After a game like this, you need some sort of reaffirmation of all that’s right and true in the world. Yeah…this should do the trick. (And you sir, are a great American.)

Post Categories: Baseball & Ben Cohen & Oblique Refrences to Killed Newsweek Headlines & Videos that restore faith in humanity

3 Comments → “Life is unfair”

  1. Daniel W. Drezner

    18 years ago

    Mnew blog…

    Seth Mnookin has started up a blog on his web site that’s worth checking out if you like the Boston Red Sox, baseball in general, and savvy media criticism. [Besides you, who’s interested in that stuff?–ed. Um… I’m guessing David……


  2. chris

    18 years ago

    Wow! It worked! You were right…


  3. Car Ramrod

    18 years ago

    Best. Video. Ever. Was it dusty in the room for anyone else when they watched that video? Wow. When my boss caught me crying I had to tell him it was allergies. And I hate Aerosmith.


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