The Yankees might not want Sheffield, but reporters sure don’t want him to leave town

November 9th, 2006 → 6:05 am @ // No Comments

There was a player on the Red Sox — and I’m not giving any hints as to whom I’m talking about except that he currently plays for the Yankees — who was known around the league as a great interview, because he was usually open and available and more importantly because he’d pretty much say whatever it was any given reporter needed him to say at any given time. “So isn’t it awful that so-and-so keeps on putting himself above the team by playing while injured?” and “Aren’t you glad so-and-so puts the team first by playing while injured?” would both produce affirmative results, even if they were asked within minutes of each other.

Gary Sheffield has a similar reputation. I have no idea if it’s deserved…but in today’s paper, Sheffield once again shows why he’s a reporter’s wet dream, slamming Brian Cashman (“If George Steinbrenner was feeling better, my situation would already be resolved”), Bobby Abreu (“I’ve done more for the Yankees than he will ever do”), and the team in general (“I will tell you that not everything is rosy in Yankeeland. It’s all a facade — it ain’t real”). “Sheffield was soon talking about Alex Rodriguez,” the story goes on to say, in what could be code for, “Reporters then proceeded to press Sheffield on the Yankees’ most controversial and unpopular player; soon, we were asking why that jerk-face Derek Jeter didn’t stick up for his teammates.” The answer? Just what any good scribe would want: “When you have a teammate under fire like that, why would you keep your distance and just let people keep taking shots at him? If it was anybody else, their teammates would have stood up for them.” (Like Jeter?) “I’m not naming names, it is what it is, but it tells you a lot about the situation here. I like Alex, but we have different personalities. He doesn’t fight back because he wants everyone to like him, but that doesn’t work here. I will not let anyone take shots at me like that.”

Let’s see: shots at the team, the general manager, the new guy in the clubhouse, and the captain. Yeah, it definitely sounds like Sheff’s gonna be wearing pinstripes on Opening Day.

Post Categories: 2006 Hot Stove Season & Gary Sheffield & Sports Reporters & Yankees

6 Comments → “The Yankees might not want Sheffield, but reporters sure don’t want him to leave town”

  1. Ogie Oglethorpe

    18 years ago

    Seam McAdam almost cried when Damon was booed. How can they do that to my quote machine??????



    18 years ago

    Way to go, Sheff! I love it. He swings even harder with his mouth than he does with his bat, and that is saying something.


  3. johnw

    18 years ago

    Actually, Sheff is also taking a backhanded shot at the owner himself. I’m sure that Steinbrenner doesn’t appreciate the public reference to his diminished health, or the insinuation that he’s no longer in control of the franchise.

    Can the Yankees post him for the Japanese League draft?

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