Hinske’s highlight: the diving grab for anyone who missed it…

May 18th, 2007 → 12:28 pm @ // No Comments

Here’s a clip of Eric Hinske’s game saving catch last night (link via Dirt Dog, which is only appropriate since Eric literally ended up eating dirt). It’s well worth watching. Try not to speculate as to whether JDD would have hurt himself doing a bellyflop like that…

Post Categories: Defense & Eric Hinske & TV highlights

2 Comments → “Hinske’s highlight: the diving grab for anyone who missed it…”

  1. kinshane

    17 years ago

    Anyone know what he was saying while he was on his back? It looked like he said the same thing 2-3 times in a row, but I have no skillz with the lip-reading.


  2. David Haglund

    17 years ago

    Well, Drew would have had it on the run– no dive necessary.

    Amazing effort by Hinske, though.


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