FTM meets Colbert Nation: The Man in the Irony Mask

September 25th, 2007 → 9:19 pm @ // No Comments

My feature on Stephen Colbert that’s in this month’s Vanity Fair has been posted online. It’s worth checking out. At least according to this unbiased source.

Post Categories: Stephen Colbert & Vanity Fair

5 Comments → “FTM meets Colbert Nation: The Man in the Irony Mask”

  1. kinshane

    16 years ago

    Dead link?


  2. MarshallDog

    16 years ago

    I was having trouble opening the article as well. It would crash my internet explorer every few minutes. I managed to read through it and think it’s a great piece.


  3. Neil

    16 years ago

    I bought the paper copy. In searching for the article I was subjected to seeing a picture of Christopher Hitchens without a shirt on. Doesn’t your agent run this stuff by you first?

    It was a good article, anyway.


  4. Gee

    16 years ago

    In searching for the article I was subjected to seeing a picture of Christopher Hitchens without a shirt on.

    For this indignity, they should be paying you.


  5. ygbluig

    16 years ago

    I just read it. Very nice.
    As a fan of his show, I find myself amazed night after night. I also had the pleasure of accidently tuning into C-Span just as he took the podium at the press club roast. (C-SPAN aired it live.) I still remember him saying of the Bush Administration – with the POTUS sitting right night to him – “A lot of people have said the president is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Not true. This administration is soaring. If anything the president is rearranging deck chairs on the hindenberg.”
    Given the context and the audience, it was perhaps among the most intense television performance in the history of the medium. I shared Jon Stewart’s sentiments a few days later:”Holy shit!”
    Yet, the most audacious/funniest thing he’s done was the time he was asking a guy who spent 20+ years in prison for murder until a DNA test clear him if “maybe the DNA was wrong and you actually did do it?”

    I also never missed an episode of Strangers with Candy. Amy Sedaris is one of the craziest people in show biz.


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