Manny Ramirez — Best righthanded hitter in the game?

August 6th, 2006 → 9:59 pm @ // No Comments

I’ve been trying to think of a way to divert people from the pain that has been the last week or so for Red Sox fans. Outside the usual bromides — the season is long, good teams have bad spells, bad teams have good spells, etc — I got nothing.

What I can do is point you towards some interesting (and hopefully distracting) work on whether Manny Ramirez is now or has ever been the best right-handed hitter in baseball (or, for that matter, a member of the Communist Party). The guru of graphics known as URISoxFan brings you this, courtesy of Sons of Sam Horn, one of the better virtual barrooms around…and the only one where Jim Morrison would truly get his mojo rising.

(If you’re in need of more diversions, I can heartily recommend Talladega Nights. I might have been able to heartily recommend Miami Vice, except 1. Colin Farrell couldn’t act his way out of a traffic ticket, 2. No Jan Hammer, and 3. No resolution to the MacGuffin. Besides that — and I’m not trying to be all arch and ironic — it’s a pretty decent movie.)

Post Categories: Manny Ramirez & Miami Vice & Sosh & Talladega Nights

4 Comments → “Manny Ramirez — Best righthanded hitter in the game?”

  1. […] Manny Ramirez Best righthanded hitter in the game? […]


  2. johnw

    18 years ago

    I’d have to say Pujols has surpassed Manny as the best righthanded hitter. Much as I love to hate A-Rod, it’s real close between him and Manny for second. The amazing thing about Manny, as reflected in the SoSH posting, is his consistency. He has the reputation of being an unreliable flake, but somehow he puts up the same numbers year in and year out. That’s a sign of a hard-working dedicated ballplayer, not an idiot savant.

    Extreme consistency was also a hallmark of Lou Whitaker, a great and generally underrated player who had his own flaky tendencies (and aversion to the media). The most memorable Lou moment: showing up for an All-Star Game without his gear. He wore a fake Tiger uni from a ballpark gift shop, his number hastily drawn on with a Sharpie. Those incidents tend to overshadow his place as the second-best second baseman (behind Joe Morgan) of his era.


  3. Sox Blog

    18 years ago

    Chin up…


  4. moctavio

    18 years ago

    What the graph does show, is that he is the most consistent hitter in the group, year after year. Pujols could be better, but more statistics are needed.


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